Teachers’ Guide

Photos, Maps, Videos & Articles

The story of Manci and Ruth Grunberger in From Auschwitz with Love is personal and intimate. The core theme is about their relationship and how it enabled them to endure a set of devastating events in their childhood, followed by fulfilling, yet disparate, adult lives. 

Here you’ll be able to access more in-depth information across each of the seven Parts of the book. For example, there are additional photographs from the Grunberger family in the 1930s and 1940s, as well as more recent Beran and Mermelstein additions. There are also historical stock pictures that parallel the times and places such as Munkacs and Auschwitz.

Maps are provided, as well as links to targeted articles that illuminate specific and important events during the book.

Finally, there are linkages from this website to videos that are mostly hosted by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) and Yad Vashem Museum that provide vivid glimpses associated with various times, places and events beginning in Munkacs, Czechoslovakia in 1930.